The best ski movies of all time listed | Montec Magazine

Nothing beats kicking back on the couch with a good ski movie to get the stoke high. With snow falling outside and a pow day forecast the next morning, there’s no better way to start the evening! 

But how do you find the right movie? Hit YouTube and search ‘ski movie’? What is this, amateur hour? No. You find a list like this one (or precisely this one), and you embark on a special journey that’ll take you through the ages of ski movies, highlighting 21 definitive titles that are sure to please, tantalize, excite, and enamor you to the beauty of this beautiful sport. So if you’re comfy, dig into this list and get watching.

Watching these movies, you’ll see just how styles change through the years. To get the latest and greatest, check out our range of ski jackets and ski pants.

List of best ski movies

Ski the Outer Limits - 1968

Before freeriding and freestyle dominated ski movies, Ski the Outer Limits was a celebration of all things non-typical of the sport. This is a true must-watch for anyone who wants to discover the roots of where the ski movie began.

Described as a ‘poetic exploration of man’s “conquest of the useless”’, the film covers ski ‘racing, clowning, teaching, flipping, and flying’. And also ski dancing and acrobatics, of course.

Watch the Ski the Outer Limits on YouTube

The Man Who Skied Down Everest - 1975

More of a documentary than a ski movie, the title pretty much explains what this film is about. The movie follows Yūichirō Miura, a Japanese alpine skier who skied down Mount Everest in 1970! He skied 2,000 meters in just over two minutes. And then he fell … 

I won’t ruin the rest, but just know that six sherpas and one other climber died during this expedition. Plus, the documentary won an academy award for Best Documentary. I think that qualifies it as required watching.

Watch The Man Who Skied Down Everest on YouTube

The Blizzard of Aahhhs - 1988

Okay, this is the first true ski movie as we know it in modern times. It’s a rockumentary-style film that showcases freeskiing and freestyle in a way that had never been done before.

Featuring insane cliff drops, freeride lines, and all-around insanity considering the type of equipment they were using 35 years ago (!), The Blizzard of Aahhhs (despite the silly name) is a serious high-point of the ski-movie evolution. Watch it immediately.

Warren Miller’s Higher Ground - 2005

If the name Warren Miller doesn’t mean anything to you, then this is about to blow your mind. With over 70 films under his belt, Miller is a master filmmaker. And Higher Ground is considered one of the best ski movies ever made. 

It features the legendary Shane McConkey, Klaus Obermayer, JP Auclair, Sarah Burke, and so many others. It’s best to go into this one blind and just sit back and take it all in.

Full version available to buy on Amazon Prime and Apple TV.

Warren Miller’s Higher Ground - 2005

Believe - 2007

After Higher Ground dropped, the gauntlet had been thrown. So when Believe came out in 2007 – courtesy of Tanner Hall and crew – people weren’t expecting it to come close to Miller’s masterpiece. 

But then — well, from the first, ominous opening scene, shot in soft focus, a man pensively gazing out at a snowy hillside – you know something is up. A masterclass in big-mountain and backcountry freeriding, slackcountry freestyle, and street riding, Believe is a rollercoaster from start to finish.

Watch Believe on Newschoolers

CLAIM - 2008

The year is 2008. Ski pants are baggy, and the word ‘tubular’ is being used very liberally. Then, Matchstick Productions, the kings of tongue-in-cheek ski films (and until now producing under-the-radar movies) drop CLAIM … and the ski world loses its collective mind. 

Self-branded the ‘best ski movie … EVER’, it’s definitely up there, showcasing the best freeriding and freestyle ever captured on film. And, of course, it features a host of the best riders on the planet.

Mount St. Elias - 2009

Mount St. Elias is an 18,000ft behemoth in Alaska and the centerpiece of this documentary. It sees three mountaineers climb to the peak … and then ski back down, trying to achieve the longest ski descent in the world. 

Do they make it? Watch and find out. It’s 1h 40m of your life well spent. Trust me.

Watch Mount St. Elias on RedBull TV

G.N.A.R. - 2010

Any movie featuring Shane McConkey is destined to be great. Add in a game of G.N.A.R., where the best skiers in the world do their utmost to one-up each other at every turn, and you’ve got a recipe for something stupid-good. 

Regarded as one of the most beloved ski movies of all time, there’s no bad time to watch this flick. Especially as it was one of Shane McConkey’s last appearances before his tragic death.

All.I.Can - 2011

The ski movie that arguably defined ski movies in the age of climate change, All.I.Can explores how big-mountain skiing has changed in the face of a warming, changing climate. Produced by Sherpas Cinema, the cinematography and artfulness of the movie are second to none – as is the riding.  

This is a beautiful movie with some of the biggest names in riding, including JP Auclair, Kye Petersen, Mark Abma, Lynsey Dyer, and Ingrid Backstrom. You know it’s going to be an amazing ride.

Ski movie - All.I.Can - 2011

McConkey - 2013

A biopic about the man himself. Do we need to say more? The documentary chronicles the life of one of the biggest names in skiing, focusing on his upbringing, rise to fame, influence over the sport, and his untimely and hugely tragic death during a ski base jump in 2009. 

With interviews and appearances from friends such as JT Holmes, Tony Hawk, and Travis Pastrana, it’s a heartfelt movie that needs to be seen. So, don’t miss it.

Into The Mind - 2013

Into The Mind is a mind-bending psychedelic trip of a movie, blending world-class videography and filmmaking with unreal skiing. And it’s all wrapped up in a Sherpas Cinema fleece of groundbreaking storytelling. 

Journey with the faceless common skier on the ultimate challenge to scale and ski a white-whale mountain. It’s just awesome – trust me. So, if you do one this week, watch this.

Afterglow - 2014

This short movie may only be twelve minutes long, but it’s so, so worth watching. Filmed totally at night with the featured skiers decked head-to-toe in custom LED-covered ski suits, it’s a feast for the eyes and something never seen before. 

If you don’t have an hour to spare, throw this puppy on and spend the next twelve minutes grinning from ear to ear. That smile will stay with you all day.

Watch Afterglow on YouTube

Streif: One Hell of a Ride - 2014

While this is a ski racing film, it’s still worth watching and definitely deserves a place on this list. If you know anything about ski racing, it’s probably that the Streif course at Kitzbühel in Austria is the most dangerous in the world. 

This documentary follows a group of racers in the year leading up to this iconic race, and boy is it powerful. It’s nearly two hours long, but that’ll fly by as fast as the skiers on screen.

Watch Streif: One Hell of a Ride on RedBull TV

Few Words - 2015

No list of ski movies would be complete without Candide Thovex’s biopic. One of the biggest names in skiing alongside Shane McConkey, Few Words is the multi-award-winning documentary that chronicles Thovex’s rise to stardom. 

I won’t say anything else, but this is definitely required watching for any ski movie aficionado. And above all else, it’s just a great film!

Sit back and enjoy the entire movie Few Words on YouTube

Few Words - 2015

Pretty Faces - 2015

As Jess Kimura blazes her trail in the snowboard world, Lynsey Dyer is doing the same for skiing. From production company Unicorn Picnic, this all-female ski movie features some of the biggest names in the sport, including Dyer herself.

There’s also Ingrid Backstrom, Tatum Monod, Rachael Burks, Elyse Saugstad, Angel Collinson, Nadia Samer, Hadley Hammer, Sydney Dickinson, and Jacqui Edgerly. The whole gang’s here alongside tons of amazing shots.

Drop Everything - 2018

Drop Everything is another awesome entry from the guys at Matchstick Productions. This lighthearted, action-packed feature is one hour of pure magic and madness. 

It features the biggest lines, dozens of cruising, beautiful drone shots, and more face-shots and bomb-holes than you can shake a broken ski pole at. For a pick-me-up to get you stoked to ride, watch this movie right now. Trust me – you won’t regret it one bit.

Zabardast - 2018

Probably my favorite movie on this list, Zabardast is the story of a group of (insane) mountaineers, skiers, and snowboarders, as they travel deep into the Himalayas in search of a legendary shark-fin mountain to climb. And then ride. 

This flick is terrifying, uplifting, and just truly phenomenal, showing off the true power and terror of Mother Nature. So buckle up – this one’s a bumpy ride!

K2: The Impossible Descent - 2019

Did we say high Himalayas and death-defying descents? How about the most deadly and difficult mountain in the world? Follow Andrzej Bargiel’s expedition as he travels from Poland to Pakistan, scales this monster, and then straps into his skis at 8,611m. 

Is he mad? Yes, definitely. This movie is insane and should be viewed immediately.

Watch K2: The Impossible Descent on RedBull TV

Make Believe - 2020

Another entry from TGR, Make Believe was a passion project 25 years in the making. With a focus on making dreams come true, this movie is a wonderful celebration of the entire culture of skiing and just giving everything to the sport. 

“From exploring powder stashes in our backyard playground to first descents on unnamed peaks, the ethos of “live the dream” has defined our adventures.” Their words couldn’t be more perfect for this movie.

Watch Make Believe on RedBull TV

Make Believe - 2020

Roots - 2021

When a ski movie wins a dozen awards, you know it’s worth watching! Roots features a truly stacked roster of world-class riders and features some of the most spectacular shots you’ve ever seen on film.

Exploring the foundations of freeskiing, this truly stunning movie will have you gawping and grinning at every shot. From panning drone footage to phenomenal follow-cam shots, Roots puts you closer to the action than most films and is sure to be the bellow to your fire. I’m stoked to ride just thinking about it!

Watch Roots on RedBull TV

Tales from Cascadia - 2021

The final entry to our list, Tales from Cascadia, is the personification of what we all imagine our dream lives to be. From ripping steeps to powder-coated pillow fields, this movie is top-to-bottom quality cinematography, unreal riding, and pure watching pleasure. 

At 49 minutes, it’s the perfect way to spend the next 49 minutes. So what are you waiting for?

Wrapping up

We narrowed this list down from 50 to 40, 40 to 30, and finally to 21. We couldn’t go any lower – these movies are just too good! 

If you’ve watched them all or none at all, there’s never a better time to jump back in at number one and work your way through. And if this list doesn’t get you excited to ride, I don’t know what will! Did we miss your favorite? Let us know!

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