Roast Luffer Old White
Roast Luffer Old White
Roast-vanterne er perfekte til de koldeste klimaer og er det sikre valg til skieventyr i minusgrader. En skridsikker TPU-håndflade kombineret med en 15k/15k håndflade sikrer ultimativ vandafvisning og åndbarhed. Derudover giver et let nylon ripstop mellem fingrene og tommelfingeren ekstra slidstyrke. Et let isoleringslag giver ekstrem varme, og en overdimensioneret manchet sikrer maksimal beskyttelse mod sne- og kuldeindtrængen. Hvis du er på udkig efter vanter, der holder dine hænder varme, uanset hvor meget temperaturen daler, så er Roast det rette valg.
Vurderinger og Anmeldelser
Baseret på 61 Anmeldelser
I used my friend's for the longest time and figured it was time for me to get my own pair. I think these are some of the highest quality mittens and great at keeping my hands warm in most conditions. An important feature for me were the wrist straps. It would definitely buy another pair, especially if offered a slot for a handwarmer.
Mikael A. 4. maj 2024
Thank you for this review, Mikael! I shared your suggestion with our production team, I think this would be a great improvement! Let us know if you have any additional feedback or questions, you can reach us directly on our site via chat. We would love to hear from you :) - Valérie
Montecwear Crew
5. maj 2024
Amazing comfy mittens but would only last a few holidays
Nic B. 13. apr. 2024
Hey Nic, thank you for leaving us a review! I'm happy to read that you find the mittens comfy :) We want to make sure your mittens last more than a few holidays. It's important for us to offer durable gear! If you encounter any issues regarding the quality of the mittens or have any questions, you can contact us directly at crew@montecwear.com. We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with your purchase :) - Valérie
Montecwear Crew
15. april 2024
I have incredibly cold hands for six months of the year. These really work for me. Thank you so so much; And because of the color, I don’t get them mixed up with anyone else’s.
Allison D. 21. mar. 2024